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Norman Lindsay Norman Lindsay facsimile etchings

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Oil Paintings
During the 1930's and 1940's Lindsay decided he needed a 'a fresh approach to art' and began to focus on a series of large 'gallery' paintings. He had dabbled with oils as early as the start of the 1900's, His oil paintings included the large works based on history, mythology and literature, portraits and the smaller works where he focused on rich and contrasting colours.
Lindsay kept a book full of the names and contact details for models and kept most of them busy. But it was Rose in her early days and Rita later in his career that he considered his two most beautiful models. When he was unable to use live models he would refer to the pencil studies he had amassed over many years for the correct proportion and muscular definition. He was able to achieve more accurate skin tones with oils discovered it to be a medium in which his love of theatre and costume could be better expressed.